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Showing posts with label Prince Jackson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prince Jackson. Show all posts

Sunday, September 8, 2024

$2 Billion in Ticket Sales for the Michael Jackson Estate

By: Admin Team September 6, 2024

I hesitated to write this piece for a few days, unsure of how to approach a subject that leaves me with mixed feelings. It’s been widely reported that the Michael Jackson Estate has surpassed $2 billion in global ticket sales across their various projects. Over the past 12 years, John Branca, the estate’s co-executor, has orchestrated deals that have generated an astounding $2.5 billion. These ventures include high-profile successes like “Michael Jackson’s THIS IS IT,” the highest-grossing concert film ever; “MJ The Musical,” a Broadway sensation with four Tony Awards, now captivating audiences across North America, London’s West End, and soon in Hamburg and Australia; “Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL WORLD TOUR,” ranked among the top 10 touring shows of all time; and “Michael Jackson ONE,” Las Vegas’ premier show.

Financial experts and the media have praised Branca for pulling the Estate out of debt and generating massive revenue. There’s no denying his talent for negotiating deals under the Michael Jackson brand. But let’s be honest: all of this was possible because of the immense talent and legacy of the King of Pop himself. The ticket sales, music sales, and lucrative contracts weren’t just because of savvy business maneuvers — they were fueled by the extraordinary artist that was Michael Jackson.

As someone with a Master’s degree in Business, I understand why experts commend Branca and the Estate for their financial management. I get it — their goal is to grow, develop, and ultimately, make money. But as a fan, I see many gray areas in the deals and projects the Estate has pursued, such as the controversial “Michael” album, the sale of Neverland Ranch, the sale of the ATV Catalog, certain products they’ve released, and most recently, the sale of half of Michael’s music catalog to Sony for $600 million. As fans, we know how much Michael valued owning music catalogs, especially his own. I fully supported Katherine Jackson’s attempt to stop this latest sale, so it felt like a real slap in the face to hear it was going ahead regardless.

What disturbs me even more is seeing some fans happily sharing articles praising Branca and the Estate, as if all is well. Don’t get me wrong — I respect everyone’s opinions. But as a Michael Jackson fan, I find it hard to understand this blind approval, especially when these same fans have repeatedly told us to “stick to the facts” since 2019. Did we not all watch the same Michael Jackson interviews where he passionately talked about his music? Did we not rally against anyone who publicly slandered him? Why does Lynn Nottage get a free pass? Why aren’t we angry at Branca for selling MIJAC? Why are some of us willing to cross moral lines just to gain recognition from the Estate? They are not Michael Jackson — so what’s the point?

I know the fan community is deeply divided regarding the Estate, but if we all ask ourselves the right questions and reflect on our moral compass, shouldn’t we arrive at the same conclusion?

With the upcoming biopic and the musical’s expansion into Germany and Australia, the sales figures will only continue to rise. It seems the Estate is focusing its efforts on appealing to the general public, rewriting HIS story to fit their narrative, while forgetting the fans who have been there from the start. A glaring example is the annual Las Vegas Birthday celebration, which has become a complete joke. Fewer and fewer fans are showing up, and those who do are often just there to curry favor with Branca and Langford. The event has turned into a Karen Langford show, with no consistency or thought put into the organization, offensively neglecting both the fans present and Michael’s own memory.

And let’s not forget: Branca takes a cut from every single deal he makes for the Estate. That should give you a sense of the gravity of the situation. What also concerns me is that Michael’s son, Prince Jackson, seems to be spending a lot of time with the Estate. I can only hope he is learning what to do — and more importantly, what not to do — in the name of his father’s legacy.

But here’s the headline: over $2 billion in ticket sales! Congratulations… MICHAEL JACKSON!