PeachTree Music Group

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Music Streaming Royalty Rates Going Up Slightly in 2018

The Copyright Royalty Board has set rates for master recording copyright holders and non-commercial webcasters.
The Copyright Royalty Board has set a cost of living adjustment to the rates paid to master recording copyright holders for 2018, with the rate increasing on basis point each to $0.0018 for ad-supported, non-subscription music streaming services; and $0.0023 per performance for paid subscription services. Previously, the rates had been $0.0017 and $0.0022, respectively.Meanwhile non-commercial webcasters will pay $0.0018 per performance for each one in excess of 159,140 ATH, or aggregate tuning hours, in a month. That is up from $0.0017 in 2016 and 2017, but down from prior years.
These determinations are the first announcements from the CRB in what are expected to be a slate of rate determinations that are scheduled to be announced shortly. These rate determinations will impact all aspects of the music industry, including the mechanical licenses that labels and digital services pay music publishers and songwriters; and the rates paid to music copyright owners by SiriusXM and Music Choice.
Outside the music industry, the Copyright Royalty Board yesterday also set a 2 percent cost of living adjustment for the royalty that satellite carriers, acting as television re-transmitters, pay under the compulsory license.
Consequently, the 27 cents per subscriber per month rate now will be 28 cent per month for private viewers in their homes while the rate for commercial establishments viewers rises to 58 cents per subscriber per month, up from 57 cents per subscriber per month.

Friday, July 6, 2018

FL FAMLIFE (Booty Workout) | #FL #BootyWorkout


F L (Fam Life) are an American Southern Hip Hop duo from Atlanta GA.

Comprising members Stand Out and Alveo Da Great (ADG).


TC   618-799-3583



The Bridge joining Entertainment and Technology | THE EXPERIENCE

The Bridge joining Entertainment and Technology

Mr. Ernie Singleton, Ms. LaRonda Sutton, Antonio "To

" Randolph, and Mr. Darryl Sutton invite you to: 

The Experience

on Sunday, July 1, 2018

at SIR, 6465 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028
Arrivals & Networking begin at 4:00PM

Presentation & Performances begin at 5:00PM

Presentation and Performance concludes @ 6:00pm 

HUGE Ventures and Solutions, Inc., in association with Popcorn Interactive Media, Inc., cordially invite you on July 1, 2018 to SIR - a historic Sunset Strip venue that evokes musical nostalgia and historical memories of talent showcases by legendary, award-winning artists - for a game-changing experience in which technology, music, and entertainment will seamlessly collide. This marks the next great era in entertainment, technology, & content convergence, made functional, attainable, & accessible for the consumer masses.
The VIP invitation-only evening will commence, at 4:00pm, with a hors d’oeuvres networking reception followed, at 5:00pm, by an unveiling of the technology solution that will manifest and help to catapult artists’ careers into the "streaming" future.  The highly-stylized presentation of top-shelf, rising Internet talent - dancers and four musical artists from four various but related genres. The technology solution marks the first-ever methodology for placing full creative, artistic, and financial control in the hands of the artists throughout their artistic and career development and ensuring multiple avenues for content creation and multiple revenue streams. 
You are among our "hand selected" VIP attendees to attend because you understand "inclusion" is the future of content and clearly, African American executives and artist working in close collaboration with all others are very much apart of that future. You have proven to be some of the technology and music/entertainment industries’ visionaries, who have proven track records as movers and shakers in your respective industries. Consequently, you are the heavyweights with the clout, the experience, and the know-how to take this bridged approach between music and technology and how to seamlessly implement it within your organizations to help continue to foster collaboration, growth, and expansion in our industries. On July 1, 2018, you will have the opportunity to fully see how artistic intuition, technology and content bridge to produce some of the most cutting edge content and music on the planet. 
The dual presentation and performance showcase marks a vision by Mr. Darryl Sutton, CEO of HVS, Inc., that has been 20 years in the making. Mr. Ernie Singleton (former President of MCA, and President of Ruthless Records), Mr. John Barnes (Producer of Micheal Jackson), Mr. Antonio "T

" Randolph [Dem Franchise Boyz, Solider Boy "Turn My Swag On", Beyoncé's Lemonade Project ("Hold On")] and Mr. Darryl Sutton (former executive EMI Music Publishing, Virgin Records America and Multi-Platinum Recording Artist, Natalie LaRose' "Somebody") will present the constructive conversation. The presentation will focus on utilizing technology and specially designed algorithims to cost-effectively develop talent, produce high-quality and low-cost content across multiple platforms. We will present the conversation for the key role Urban, Black music and culture will continue play in the success of all of these platforms, the pivotal role technology solutions and the new jobs that will be created as a result. 
This event encapsulates a non-traditional, futuristic approach to breaking talent into the music and entertainment industries via a bridged approach between music and technology. The performances by our very special, unique, next-level talent are evidence that this bridged approach is, indeed, effective. Through the use of technology (e.g. streaming services) – the mode by which we currently communicate and absorb content in today’s world – as our conduit, we are able to deliver, promote, and market art, in its purest form, to the masses. Our goal is to create art that simultaneously does not lose its artistic value, while it continues to break down barriers and push social boundaries. In successfully combining technology with music and entertainment, we are able to reach larger audiences with art that effectively captures our shared humanity and shared experiences, thereby unifying people, regardless of color, race, sexual orientation, or social status. We are creating art that delicately balances inclusion without the exclusion of the artistic origins and culture of urban black music.
Your commitment to our technology solution will translate to your continual relevance and top-tier prowess in ever-changing industries wherein technology and the digital age of apps and streaming services have morphed the way consumers absorb content and thus morphed the way content must be delivered and marketed to these consumers. You will be able to effectively and efficiently return to the grassroots, hands-on approach of artist/content/product development, without sacrificing quality, value, or time once the artist/content/product is introduced to the consumer market. If interested in knowing how our technology works, or better yet, how our technology can help you or your organization cut costs and/or increase revenue without increasing overhead, you are welcome to call to schedule a private with our highly skilled, proven, and experienced team.
On July 1, 2018, we would like to welcome you to the world of the future – a special evening in which old school meets new school meets future schoolers. We kindly request your RSVP by no later than Friday, June 29, 2018 to (email address and/or phone number). Your presence would be a humbling privilege.
Respectfully Yours,